(download pdf here)
Office Hrs: MTWT after school and by appointment
Available Resource Period: 4th
V-Mail: 731-7500 x6751 E-Mail: [email protected]
Textbooks: PreCalculus (2022-23), by Kevin Quattrin, et.al.
Requirements: 1) Completion of all tests and quizzes;
2) Maintenance of a notebook as described below;
3) Preparedness and engagement
and 4) Possession and use of a Graphing Calculator (TI 83 or 84 preferred)
Grades will be calculated by percentage (not by points), as follows:
Tests = 45%
Quizzes = 20%
Final Exam = 20%
Summary Notes = 10%
Online Quizzes = 5%
100-92.5= A 92.4-88.5=A-
88.4-84.5 = B+ 84.4-79.5 = B 79.4-74.5 = B-
74.4 -71.5 = C+ 71.4-67.5 = C 67.4-64.5 = C-
64.4-55=D 54.9-0= F
1) TESTS AND QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given approximately once a week and tests will be given at the end of each chapter in the text. In the event of a student being absent of a test day or not scoring 65% on a chapter test, he must take a retest at the convenience of the teacher (usually at lunch). In case of absence, the retake score is the score entered. In case of retake due to sub-par first score, the better of the two scores will be recorded with a maximum possible score of 75% on the retake. Retakes must be completed within three weeks of the original administration of the test.
2) QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given approximately once a week and can include questions about any reading assigned as homework. Homework will not be collected or graded: the quizzes will determine whether or not the student is keeping up on the homework. If the quiz average drops below 65%, the student may be required to turn in homework.
3) NOTES & ENGAGEMENT: Each student must keep a neat and legible notebook. This can be done in a spiral notebook or electronically. It should contain class notes, problems assigned in class, all homework, grade printouts, and handouts or downloads. It is expected that each student will come to class with his/her own notebook, paper, pencils, textbook, calculator and COMPLETED HOMEWORK. While homework will not be collected and graded separately, repeated lack of preparation and/or lower quiz scores will cause a student to be required to turn in completed assignments. Every assignment missing after a student is required to turn them in will lower the total grade 1 %-age point.
On the day BEFORE a chapter test (and before the final exam), a single, hand-written summary of the chapter is to be turned in. Each section covered should be present and summarized with the main idea of the section, new formulas, and vocabulary. Similar tot he Chapter Summary Sheet, on the day BEFORE the Final Exam, A summary of the semester is to be turned in. Each Chapter covered should be present and summarized with the main idea of the Chapters, formulas, and vocabulary. Examples are allowed.
There MAY be some online quizzes through Canvas assigned during the year to review issues for the PSAT and SAT. Quizzes will be timed and three tries will be allowed on each.
Each student is also expected to be mentally prepared to discuss and present logical solutions to the homework problems both orally and on the board. Students will be chosen at random for board work.
Office Hrs: MTWT after school and by appointment
Available Resource Period: 4th
V-Mail: 731-7500 x6751 E-Mail: [email protected]
Textbooks: PreCalculus (2022-23), by Kevin Quattrin, et.al.
Requirements: 1) Completion of all tests and quizzes;
2) Maintenance of a notebook as described below;
3) Preparedness and engagement
and 4) Possession and use of a Graphing Calculator (TI 83 or 84 preferred)
Grades will be calculated by percentage (not by points), as follows:
Tests = 45%
Quizzes = 20%
Final Exam = 20%
Summary Notes = 10%
Online Quizzes = 5%
100-92.5= A 92.4-88.5=A-
88.4-84.5 = B+ 84.4-79.5 = B 79.4-74.5 = B-
74.4 -71.5 = C+ 71.4-67.5 = C 67.4-64.5 = C-
64.4-55=D 54.9-0= F
1) TESTS AND QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given approximately once a week and tests will be given at the end of each chapter in the text. In the event of a student being absent of a test day or not scoring 65% on a chapter test, he must take a retest at the convenience of the teacher (usually at lunch). In case of absence, the retake score is the score entered. In case of retake due to sub-par first score, the better of the two scores will be recorded with a maximum possible score of 75% on the retake. Retakes must be completed within three weeks of the original administration of the test.
2) QUIZZES: Quizzes will be given approximately once a week and can include questions about any reading assigned as homework. Homework will not be collected or graded: the quizzes will determine whether or not the student is keeping up on the homework. If the quiz average drops below 65%, the student may be required to turn in homework.
3) NOTES & ENGAGEMENT: Each student must keep a neat and legible notebook. This can be done in a spiral notebook or electronically. It should contain class notes, problems assigned in class, all homework, grade printouts, and handouts or downloads. It is expected that each student will come to class with his/her own notebook, paper, pencils, textbook, calculator and COMPLETED HOMEWORK. While homework will not be collected and graded separately, repeated lack of preparation and/or lower quiz scores will cause a student to be required to turn in completed assignments. Every assignment missing after a student is required to turn them in will lower the total grade 1 %-age point.
On the day BEFORE a chapter test (and before the final exam), a single, hand-written summary of the chapter is to be turned in. Each section covered should be present and summarized with the main idea of the section, new formulas, and vocabulary. Similar tot he Chapter Summary Sheet, on the day BEFORE the Final Exam, A summary of the semester is to be turned in. Each Chapter covered should be present and summarized with the main idea of the Chapters, formulas, and vocabulary. Examples are allowed.
There MAY be some online quizzes through Canvas assigned during the year to review issues for the PSAT and SAT. Quizzes will be timed and three tries will be allowed on each.
Each student is also expected to be mentally prepared to discuss and present logical solutions to the homework problems both orally and on the board. Students will be chosen at random for board work.